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The scam message says 'Look who just died' and includes the link. Don't click it!!

It appears to be coming from a friend through Facebook Messenger.

It reads, "Look who just died" and includes a link.

Your curiosity may tempt you to click the link to see who died. Don't do it. It's not clear what will happen if you click on that link, but it's nothing good. This message is just like a fisherman baiting a hook to catch a fish. Don't take the bait.

Numerous versions of the scam:
A lot of viewers are passing on scam messages to me, and I appreciate that. But many are also saying, "I haven't heard you talk about this specific text.".There are so many variations of these scam texts and emails that it would be nearly impossible to discuss every single one.

The best advice is to not click on any links in messages that appear to be suspicious and are coming from unfamiliar sources.

#scamalert #messenger
